Estate of Robert H. Lurie, Deceased, Ann Lurie, Executor - Page 14

                                       - 14 -                                         
               Petitioner contends that no Illinois case has considered an            
          instrument other than a will to ascertain the decedent’s intent             
          regarding the source of payment of Federal estate tax.  We                  
          disagree; Illinois courts have considered a decedent’s trust                
          instrument executed close in time to the decedent’s will to                 
          decide his or her intent regarding the source of payment of                 
          Federal estate tax.  See, e.g., Harris Trust & Sav. Bank v.                 
          Donovan, supra at 124; Frederick v. Lewis, 517 N.E.2d 742, 744              
          (Ill. App. Ct. 1987); Harris Trust & Sav. Bank v. Taylor, 364               
          N.E.2d 349, 354 (Ill. App. Ct. 1977).                                       
               In Frederick v. Lewis, supra, the Illinois Appellate Court             
          considered whether a trust instrument provided specific                     
          instructions for paying estate tax.  Petitioner contends that               
          Frederick does not support the proposition that a revocable trust           
          instrument is considered in deciding what a decedent intended               
          regarding the source of payment of estate tax.  We disagree with            
          petitioner’s contentions about Frederick.  The court’s sole                 
          reason for examining the trust instrument in Frederick was to               
          decide the decedent’s intention regarding the source of payment             
          of tax.  Frederick is contrary to petitioner’s claim that                   
          Illinois courts do not consider instruments other than a                    
          decedent’s will to discern the decedent’s intent regarding the              
          source of payment of estate tax.                                            

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