- 8 - having established a Health Insurance Study Work Group relative to this. c. The long term agenda, of which healthcare represent close to a third, is the elimination of poverty and war, or, put positively, having world wide peace (unfair activity, violence and terrorism being preempted by treating each as each would be: that each should have needs met and work and trade freely for more than what the needs of sustenance are). Article I, section 1, of the Bylaws provides that petitioner is organized into five divisions: (1) Circle of Life Ministry; (2) United Health Payers; (3) United Arrangements; (4) United Affiliations; and (5) United Bank. Petitioner’s Web site provided the following description of the five divisions: For welfare purposes and what may be described as scientific and experimental models, practical applications and/or assistance programs, divisions of Amend16robertwirengard exist. These, similar to colleges within a university, are: United Arrangements of Amend16robertwirengard - educational, practical and real welfare application purposes and assuring compliance with the Multi Employer Welfare Arrangement of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act, passed by the U.S. Congress and under the U.S. Department of Labor. This school may remain in perpetuity until the end of poverty and systematic impoverishment. United Health Payers of Amend16robertwirengard (Mary Lasano, nurse and consultant) - experimental model for market-priced, universal healthcare in a non-socialist society. Once the success that is envisioned is accomplished, it is expected that this one-payer system will be bought out at future cost to become an efficient one-payer system established as a Government Sponsored Entity (much as the U.S. Federal Reserve system currently is a GSE). United Bank of Amend16robertwirengard (DeVara Sims, Tampa Police Dept./reach out, consultant and trustee) - a non-profit banking facility for people and businessesPage: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011