- 4 - installment agreements for the payment of amounts reported on delinquent Federal income tax returns, and the tax liabilities for years prior to 1995 ultimately were satisfied through these installment agreements or otherwise. Petitioner’s 1995 joint Federal income tax return was filed on March 21, 1997. Taking into account the Federal income tax liability reported on the return and prepayment credits consisting entirely of petitioner’s income tax withholdings, the return shows a balance due of $3,751 that was not paid with the return.2 At the time she signed the 1995 return, petitioner knew that the tax liability reported on the return had not fully been paid. During the marriage, petitioner’s former spouse began to abuse alcohol and drugs. During the final years of the marriage, petitioner’s former spouse became abusive towards her, and at times petitioner feared for her safety. In June 1997, the years of substance abuse culminated in a violent episode that prompted petitioner to call the police in order to have her former spouse removed from the marital residence. The resultant police report noted petitioner’s former spouse’s substance abuse and 2 The unpaid balance consists of the sec. 1401 self- employment tax and sec. 1 income tax on the self-employment income of petitioner’s former spouse.Page: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011