Wendy L. Chadwick - Page 4

                                        - 3 -                                         
          withheld of $7.06.  Graphic Products, Inc. prepared a 1995 Form             
          W-2 for petitioner indicating wage income of $20,282.89 and                 
          Federal income tax withheld of $1,745.49.  Draperies and More,              
          Inc. prepared a 1995 Form W-2 for Mr. Tillotson indicating wage             
          income of $8,343.27 and Federal income tax withheld of $243.                
               Petitioner and Mr. Tillotson timely filed with the Internal            
          Revenue Service a joint Form 1040, U.S. Individual Income Tax               
          Return, for taxable year 1995.  On their jointly filed Form 1040,           
          petitioner and Mr. Tillotson reported:  (1) Wage income of                  
          $34,152; (2) taxable interest income of $21; (3) taxable income             
          of $22,623; (4) Federal income tax withheld of $1,995; and (5) an           
          amount owed of $1,399.  Petitioner and Mr. Tillotson did not                
          satisfy the underpayment when they filed their joint 1995 Federal           
          income tax return.                                                          
               During 1997, petitioner was employed by JCPenney Life                  
          Insurance and ODESCO.  During 1997, Mr. Tillotson was employed by           
          Intellect Network Technologies for part of the year.  Mr.                   
          Tillotson was also self-employed during 1997.  JCPenney Life                
          Insurance prepared a 1997 Form W-2 for petitioner indicating wage           
          income of $9,434.92 and Federal income tax withheld of $584.83.             
          ODESCO prepared a 1997 Form W-2 for petitioner indicating wage              
          income of $1,283 and Federal income tax withheld of $118.01.                
          Intellect Network Technologies prepared a 1997 Form W-2 for Mr.             

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Last modified: May 25, 2011