Mark A. Filer and Julie J. Filer - Page 5

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               (1)  If Julie is alive on the retirement date, Phyllis will            
          begin receiving annuity payments.  If Phyllis subsequently dies,            
          any remaining payments will be paid to the contingent                       
               (2)  If Phyllis predeceases Julie before the retirement                
          date, Julie will become the successor owner, and she must                   
          terminate the contract within 1 year after Phyllis’s death by               
          either:  (1) Surrendering the contract as described in the                  
          contract’s nonforfeiture provisions; or (2) electing an annuity             
          as described in the contract’s settlement options provisions.               
          The nonforfeiture provisions provide that Julie could take free             
          annual withdrawals or surrender all or part of the contract.  The           
          settlement options provide that Julie could take partial                    
          surrenders of the cash value, fixed amount installments, fixed              
          period installments, life annuity with a period certain,                    
          installment refund annuity, or a joint and survivor annuity.                
               (3)  If Julie predeceases Phyllis before the retirement                
          date, Phyllis will receive the death benefit of the total cash              
          value of the contract less any unpaid loans.                                
               A few years after the annuity was issued, Phyllis told Julie           
          that she placed Julie’s name on the annuity as the annuitant and            
          successor owner because Mark was busy, Paul’s lifestyle was                 
          different, and Heidi lived in Florida and that Phyllis knew that            
          “if anything ever happened to me [Phyllis], that you [Julie]                

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Last modified: May 25, 2011