Elizabeth Giles - Page 34

                                       - 34 -                                         
               Petitioner asserts that she is a lifelong experienced                  
          businesswoman who before starting the horse activity read books,            
          viewed videos, and consulted with experts consisting of her                 
          sister, her (petitioner’s) daughter, a professional horse                   
          trainer, and an individual who bred and judged horses in Europe.            
          Petitioner also asserts that she joined relevant trade                      
          associations in 1985 and that she was knowledgeable of some                 
          veterinarian services and the training and showing of horses.               
          Petitioner concludes that this factor weighs in her favor.  We              
               The mere fact that petitioner may have aspired to breed                
          horses does not necessarily mean that she entered into the horse            
          activity with the requisite profit objective.  The credible                 
          evidence in the record does not establish that petitioner read or           
          viewed the referenced materials or consulted with her so-called             
          experts before entering into the horse activity in 1988.  While             
          petitioner testified generally that she did, she discredited that           
          testimony by also testifying that these happenings were not until           
          3 years after she bought her first horse.  She also did not                 
          specify or otherwise elaborate on the referenced books or videos,           
          other than to say that they were breeding and training books and            
          veterinarian manuals, or the advice that she purportedly received           
          from the trainer, the breeder/judge, or her sister and daughter;            
          e.g., was it general advice regarding showing and promoting                 

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Last modified: May 25, 2011