Charles F. and Susan G. Glass - Page 44

                                       - 44 -                                         
                    SEC. 170(h).  Qualified Conservation Contribution.--              
                    (1) In general.--* * * the term “qualified                        
               conservation contribution” means a contribution--                      
                         (A) of a qualified real property                             
                         (B) to a qualified organization,                             
                         (C) exclusively for conservation                             
                    (2) Qualified real property interest.--For                        
               purposes of this subsection, the term “qualified real                  
               property interest” means any of the following interests                
               in real property:                                                      
                         (A) the entire interest of the donor                         
                    other than a qualified mineral interest,                          
                         (B) a remainder interest, and                                
                         (C) a restriction (granted in                                
                    perpetuity) on the use which may be made of                       
                    the real property.                                                
                         *    *    *    *    *    *    *                              
                    (4) Conservation purpose defined.--                               
                         (A) In general.--For purposes of this                        
                    subsection, the term “conservation purpose”                       
                              (i) the preservation of land                            
                         areas for outdoor recreation by, or                          
                         the education of, the general                                
                              (ii) the protection of a                                
                         relatively natural habitat of fish,                          
                         wildlife, or plants, or similar                              

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Last modified: May 25, 2011