Ernest I. Korchak - Page 35

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          preparer was reasonable because petitioner provided him with                
          Madison’s Schedule K-1 and because petitioner’s return preparer             
          prepared petitioner’s 1982 return using the Schedule K-1 without            
          questioning the investment.  Petitioner’s argument does not                 
          persuade us.                                                                
               Petitioner admitted that he did not give the POM to his                
          return preparer, and he did not ask his return preparer to                  
          evaluate the Madison investment before he made it.  These facts             
          alone are enough to reject petitioner’s argument.  Petitioner               
          also failed to present any evidence that the return preparer had            
          the necessary experience, training, or information to evaluate              
          the Madison investment, even if petitioner had asked him to                 
          perform an evaluation.  Petitioner has not carried his burden of            
          proving that his claimed reliance on his return preparer was                
          credible or reasonable.                                                     
                         ii.   HG&C                                                   
               Petitioner contends that he did not provide the POM to his             
          tax return preparer because he believed HG&C was his tax adviser            
          and because HG&C went over the POM in detail and obtained the               
          Boylan & Evans limited partner opinion.  Petitioner’s reliance              
          on HG&C was not reasonable, however, because he knew that HG&C              
          had no background in plastics recycling technology and that Mr.             
          Cole, his primary contact at HG&C, not only lacked expertise in             

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Last modified: May 25, 2011