- 3 - petitioner’s name.3 Ms. Johnmeyer’s signature appears on these documents a total of three times, and the settlement agreement was certified by a notary public of Greene County, Missouri. The notary’s certification includes the date, the notary’s commission expiration date and signature, and the following statement: “JANA LYNN OMANS, of lawful age, being first duly sworn upon her oath, states that she is the Petitioner in the above-entitled cause, and that she has executed the foregoing Agreement as her free act and deed.” The settlement agreement specifies that petitioner and Ms. Johnmeyer agreed to “file separate income tax returns for the 1992 tax year and for each year thereafter.” Petitioner and Ms. Johnmeyer further agreed that “[petitioner] shall be allowed to claim the parties’ minor children as dependents within the meaning of both state and federal income tax laws so long as [he] is current on his monthly child support obligation”. Petitioner’s monthly child support payments are made directly to the Circuit Clerk of Greene County as trustee for Ms. Johnmeyer. Respondent has stipulated that petitioner was up to date on all child support payments from the time he entered into the settlement agreement up through and including the year at issue.4 3 At the time she signed the settlement agreement, Ms. Johnmeyer was still known as Jana Lynn Omans. 4 Petitioner provided respondent with documents from the (continued...)Page: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011