Transport Labor Contract/Leasing, Inc. & Subsidiaries - Page 48

                                       - 48 -                                         
          On the record before us, we reject petitioner’s assertion.                  
               Petitioner’s assertion that “There is no evidence that TLC             
          reassigned drivers while they were working for the trucking                 
          companies” is not supported by the record.  The Court in                    
          Transport Labor I found that TLC “reassigned to another trucking            
          company client any driver-employee who no longer wished to work             
          with a particular trucking company client to which TLC had                  
          assigned such driver-employee.”  Transp. Labor Contract/Leasing,            
          Inc. & Subs. v. Commissioner, 123 T.C. at 170.  The record                  
          contained batch reports that have a column titled “Reassign                 
          Date”, and certain of those batch reports reflected the dates on            
          which certain driver-employees were reassigned from certain                 
          trucking company clients.  TLC’s practice of not reassigning a              
          driver-employee once such driver-employee was assigned to a                 
          trucking company client which desired to lease such driver-                 
          employee and for which such driver-employee wanted to work was              
          merely a sound business practice by TLC.  Id. at 190.  TLC, like            
          any business, was interested in accommodating, to the extent                
          feasible, the requests of its trucking company clients.  Id.                
               Assuming arguendo that the record had established that TLC             
          never reassigned any driver-employee, petitioner is wrong in                
          asserting that TLC must have actually reassigned a driver-                  
          employee in order for TLC to be the employer of such driver-                
          employee.  It was the right to assign additional projects to each           

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