-6- sell. (These 30 acres and the three structures on the 30 acres shall be referred to collectively as the subject property.) Father Stevens also arranged an auction of personal property inside the buildings, such as the toilet fixtures, to raise money to pay the debts of the Monks Nonprofit. Father Stevens began communicating to people in the community that the subject property was for sale to buyers who would use it for religious purposes and inquired of a local convent whether the convent might be interested in purchasing the subject property. Father Stevens also informed the attorney for the Monks Nonprofit that the subject property had to be sold. Father Stevens stated that the subject property should be sold at a price that would permit all the debts to be paid plus provide a little seed money for future endeavors. To preserve the property’s religious purpose, Father Stevens insisted on a contractual right giving the Monks Nonprofit the first opportunity to repurchase the land if the purchaser wanted to resell it. Father Stevens testified that he did not want the Monks Nonprofit to sell the property to a buyer that would use it for nonreligious purposes. He further testified that he would have caused the Monks Nonprofit to find another way for the Monks Nonprofit to pay its bills rather than sell the property. Father Stevens also testified he would have had the Monks Nonprofit give the property away to a group that would use it for religiousPage: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011