Estate of Pearl I. Amlie, Deceased, Rodney B. Amlie, Executor - Page 50

                                       - 50 -                                         
          methodology persuasive.  The algorithms employed in the formulas            
          were discernible and result in adjustments between the comparable           
          and subject properties that appear appropriate.                             
               Mr. Reyman also made another set of adjustments to the                 
          comparables for Parcels 1, 2, and 3 to account for "conditions of           
          sale" and location.  We are also generally persuaded of the                 
          appropriateness of those adjustments, with one exception.  In the           
          case of one comparable, Mr. Reyman opined that the sale occurred            
          as a result of a public auction where two bidders, both desiring            
          the property because of its proximity to their other holdings,              
          drove the sale price up.  In Mr. Reyman's view, this factor                 
          necessitated a $150 per acre downward adjustment in the sales               
          price of the comparable.  Respondent objects,33 and we agree, in            
          that we are not persuaded that such an adjustment is justified.             
          As this comparable was averaged with five others, elimination of            
          this $150 downward adjustment raises the indicated per acre value           
          for Parcels 1, 2, and 3 by $25 ($150/6).                                    
               We find one other element of Mr. Reyman's methodology                  
          troublesome.  Whereas with respect to Parcels 2, 3, and 4, Mr.              
          Reyman took the average of the adjusted per acre values of the              
          six comparables in reaching an indicated value for each subject             

               33 While respondent contends that the downward adjustment              
          made was $200 per acre, we are satisfied upon review of Mr.                 
          Reyman's report that $50 of the adjustment was attributable to              
          the comparable's location rather than the bidders'                          

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