- 33 - reported royalty income as $81,372, which includes $80,032 of royalties received from NPI. Respondent asserted that the Bensons reported royalty income of $1,340; the calculation does not include the royalties received from NPI. As with the dividend income, we agree that the NPI royalties should not be included in the Bensons’ royalty income to avoid the inclusion of this income twice. We find that the Bensons reported royalty income of $1,340 in 1994. With respect to the Bensons’ share of NPI income, we agree with respondent’s calculation. As we discussed supra, the Bensons’ reported gross income includes their pro rata share of gross income from NPI. The 1994 return of NPI reports total income of $486,188, which consists of: (1) Gross receipts or sales of $50; (2) royalties of $160,063; (3) gross rents of $200,605; and (4) dividend income of $125,470. That return also lists Burton O. Benson as a 50-percent shareholder. Therefore, we agree with respondent that the Bensons’ reported gross income includes their share of NPI’s income, which is $243,094. For purposes of applying section 6501(e), we hold that the Bensons reported gross income of $814,311 in 1994, which is itemized as follows: Items of reported Amount of reported gross income gross income Wages $196,000 Interest income 6,690 Dividends 13Page: Previous 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Next
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