Thomas and Janice Gleason - Page 12

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          115 (1933).  Section 7491 may modify the foregoing general rule             
          in specified circumstances, with principles relevant to                     
          deficiency determinations set forth in subsection (a) and rules             
          governing penalties and additions to tax addressed in subsection            
               Section 7491(a)(1) may shift the burden to the Commissioner            
          with respect to factual issues where the taxpayer introduces                
          credible evidence, but the provision operates only where the                
          taxpayer establishes that he or she has complied under section              
          7491(a)(2) with all substantiation requirements, has maintained             
          all required records, and has cooperated with reasonable requests           
          for witnesses, information, documents, meetings, and interviews.            
          See H. Conf. Rept. 105-599, at 239-240 (1998), 1998-3 C.B. 747,             
          993-994.  Here, petitioners have made no argument directed toward           
          burden of proof and consequently have not shown that all                    
          necessary prerequisites for a shift of burden have been met.  In            
          addition, respondent alleged on opening brief that petitioners              
          bear the burden of proof, and petitioners made no attempt to                
          rebut that allegation in their reply brief.  Their reply brief              
          does, however, at several junctures offer to present further                
          substantiating documents to respondent and to the Court, which at           
          minimum suggests that all pertinent information may not have been           

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Last modified: May 25, 2011