- 4 - fixed/variable annuity contract (Sun Life’s June 19, 2001 let- ter). The respective bodies of those letters, which were virtu- ally identical, stated in pertinent part: After review of this contract, it has been determined that Anne Snyder is entitled to the death benefit options. It is important that she [Anne Snyder] consult a tax or legal advisor before making a decision. Please have her choose one of the following options: (1) Immediate lump Minimum Death Benefit. The Minimum Death Benefit is calculated by Sun Life and will pay the greatest of the following: • Contributions accruing at a rate of 5% annu- ally, minus withdrawals also accruing at a rate of 5% annually. This accrual will con- tinue until the first day of the month fol- lowing the 80th birthday of the annuitant or until the contributions or withdrawals have doubled as a result of the accumulation. • 100% of the accumulated value on the date of death notification and elected option paper- work is received by Sun Life in good order. • Account value on the most recent 7th contract anniversary, plus any contributions, minus any withdrawals since that 7th year anniver- sary. • Cash Surrender Value. This includes any applicable surrender penalties and Market Value adjustment (MVA - applies to fixed series only) Note: If the Lump Sum option is chosen, we ask that the beneficiary provide the tax withholding information. Sun Life can withhold between 10%-50% for taxes only upon request. (2) Defer the lump sum payment. The lump sum payment may be taken anytime within five years of the date of death. A new beneficiary can be named for the deferral period. (3) Annuitize the contract. This option may be chosen within one year of the annu- itant’s date of death. If this option is chosen, it is irrevocable. For additional information regardingPage: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011