Swallows Holding, Ltd. - Page 31


          determinations).  If the majority’s hesitance to explicitly                 
          overrule Taylor Securities is an endorsement of what was, over 60           
          years ago, “the generally accepted rule concerning the number of            
          returns which may be filed,” majority op. p. 75 note 28, quoting            
          Blenheim, 125 F.2d at 910, it will just cause more confusion                
          given the intervening evolution in the effect of substitute                 
               Having concluded that the plain language of section 882                
          invalidates the regulation, the majority could have stopped.                
          Instead, as an alternative holding, it goes on to analyze the               
          reasonableness of the regulation under National Muffler--asking             
          whether the regulation “(harmonizes with the plain language of              
          the statute, its origin, and its purpose.)”  Majority op. p. 55             
          (quoting National Muffler, 440 U.S. at 477).                                
               Applying National Muffler, the majority concludes that the             
          regulation is out of tune with the statute not just because it              
          fails to harmonize with section 882's plain language but because            
          the regulation:                                                             
               !    is “not a ‘substantially contemporaneous                          
                    construction of the statute,’”                                    
               !    “merely adopted respondent’s unsuccessful                         
                    litigating position,”                                             
               !    “conflicts with the agency’s previous                             
                    interpretation of the same statute,”                              

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Last modified: May 25, 2011