Affiliated Foods, Inc., A Corporation - Page 36

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         discounts accorded patrons from the purchase price it charges                
         those patrons in determining gross receipts.                                 
              We shall consider further the nature of patronage dividends.            
                   c.  Patronage Dividends Considered Price Adjusments                
              We have said:  “Patronage dividends are considered rebates              
         on purchases or deferred payments on sales, allocated or                     
         distributed pursuant to a preexisting obligation of the                      
         cooperative, and, as such, do not constitute taxable income to               
         the cooperative.”  Buckeye Countrymark, Inc. v. Commissioner, 103            
         T.C. 547, 558 (1994).                                                        
              The notion that a cooperative should not be taxed on                    
         patronage-based payments because those payments amount to nothing            
         more than price adjustments is a longstanding rationale                      
         underlying the Federal income tax treatment of patronage                     
         dividends.  Subchapter T was added to the Internal Revenue Code              
         by the Revenue Act of 1962 (the 1962 Act), Pub. L. 87-834,                   
         section 17, 76 Stat. 1045.  Before the 1962 Act, non-tax-exempt              
         cooperatives were taxed as corporations.  See Ravenscroft, “The              
         Proposed Limitation on the Patronage Dividend Deduction”, 12 Tax             
         L. Rev. 151, 152 (1957).  However, under administrative                      
         practices, judicially affirmed, they could exclude from gross                
         income the amounts allocated to patrons as patronage dividends.              
         E.g., Farmers Coop. Co. v. Birmingham, 86 F. Supp. 201, 219                  
         (N.D. Iowa 1949) (collecting administrative rulings).  Primarily,            

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