Jason Emanuel Ayala - Page 5

                                        - 4 -                                         
               Petitioner and respondent primarily disagree on whether the            
          house in Vallejo, California, is petitioner’s “tax home” and                
          consequently, whether petitioner’s travel expenses incurred while           
          working for Sheehan are deductible under section 162(a)(2) as               
          expenses incurred in pursuit of a trade or business while away              
          from home.                                                                  
          A.  Section 162(a)(2)                                                       
               Generally, outlays for food and shelter are considered                 
          personal expenses and are not deductible.  Sec. 262.  However,              
          section 162(a)(2) allows a deduction for traveling expenses,                
          including amounts expended for meals and lodging, if the expenses           
          are:  (1) Ordinary and necessary, (2) incurred while “away from             
          home”, and (3) incurred in pursuit of a trade or business.  See             
          Bochner v. Commissioner, 67 T.C. 824, 827 (1977).  Respondent               
          contends that petitioner was not “away from home” when he                   
          incurred the expenses and thus that petitioner does not satisfy             
          the second factor for deductibility of the expenses claimed on              
          his Federal income tax returns for the years in issue.                      

               4  Given the manner in which these issues were presented to            
          the Court, we make our decision as to both the deficiencies and             
          additions to tax without regard to the various burdens of proof             
          under sec. 7491.                                                            

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Last modified: November 10, 2007