-195- Type of Trust Trust name trust established Trustee Beneficiary Exhibit CMB Cinema 1Grantor 10/23/73 Kanter/ Ballard’s 5102 Weisgal wife and children CMB Cinema II Grantor 7/15/75 Kanter Ballard’s 5020 wife and children Summit Grantor 6/3/80 Weisgal Ballard’s 5105 wife and children Seabright Grantor 11/2/81 Kanter Ballard’s 5001 children 1 In 1979, the CMB Cinema Trust was divided into 10 separate trusts. Exh. 5102. On May 29, 1976, CMB Cinema Venture Partnership was formed. Exh. 5104. The partners were the CMB Cinema Trust (10 percent) and the CMB Cinema Trust II (90 percent) with respect to the Division B participation. Id. sch. A. (ii). Lisle’s Grantor Trusts Lisle was the settlor of the following grantor trusts with the trustees and beneficiaries as indicated: Type of Trust Trust Name Trust Established Trustee Beneficiary Exhibit RWL Cinema Grantor 10/23/73 Kanter Lisle’s 5019 descendants RWL Cinema II Grantor 7/15/75 Kanter Lisle’s 5000 wife and children Basking Ridge Grantor 6/3/80 Weisgal Lisle’s 5103 wife and children Ballard’s CMB Cinema Trust was formed on the same day as Lisle’s RWL Cinema Trust (October 23, 1973), Ballard’s CMB Cinema Trust II was formed on the same day as Lisle’s RWL Cinema Trust II (July 15, 1975), and Ballard’s Summit Trust was formed on thePage: Previous 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011