Estate of Kwang Lee, Deceased, Anthony J. Frese, Executor - Page 6

          decedent’s and Ms. Lee’s deaths for estate and related tax                  
          purposes.  To this end, petitioner relies on section 2056(b)(3):            
                    (3)  Interest of spouse conditional on survival                   
               for limited period.--For purposes of this subsection,                  
               an interest passing to the surviving spouse shall not                  
               be considered as an interest which will terminate or                   
               fail on the death of such spouse if--                                  
                         (A) such death will cause a termination                      
                    or failure of such interest only if it occurs                     
                    within a period not exceeding 6 months after                      
                    the decedent's death, or only if it occurs as                     
                    a result of a common disaster resulting in                        
                    the death of the decedent and the surviving                       
                    spouse, or only if it occurs in the case of                       
                    either such event; and                                            
                         (B) such termination or failure does not                     
                    in fact occur.                                                    
          Petitioner argues that section 2056(b)(3) permits the actual                
          order of the death of spouses to be altered for estate and                  
          related tax purposes as long as the deaths are still within                 
          6 months of each other.                                                     
               Respondent argues that the marital deduction requires an               
          actual surviving spouse.  Because Ms. Lee died 46 days before               
          decedent, respondent argues, decedent had no surviving spouse and           
          decedent’s estate is not entitled to benefit from the marital               
          deduction.  Respondent argues that the wills of decedent and Ms.            
          Lee cannot operate to change the order of their deaths.                     
          Respondent further argues that the term “survivor” is undefined             
          in the Code and therefore must be given its normal and customary            

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Last modified: March 27, 2008