Charles Mandeville - Page 10

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          IV.  Education Credit/Tuition and Fees Deduction                            
               For qualifying individuals, section 25A allows credits6                
          against tax for qualified tuition and related expenses paid by              
          the taxpayer during the taxable year.  Section 222(a) allows a              
          taxpayer to deduct an amount equal to qualified tuition and                 
          related expenses paid by the taxpayer during the taxable year.7             
               Although petitioner asserts that he is entitled to education           
          credits and/or deductions for his wife’s education expenses that            
          were incurred in 2001 and 2002, he has failed to substantiate               
          that assertion.  While petitioner has provided credit card                  
          statements dated in 2001 and 2002 reflecting various charges that           
          appear to have been made to educational institutions, petitioner            
          has not shown with any particularity what those charges were for,           
          who they were made with respect to, and, perhaps most                       
          importantly, who made them.8  Petitioner has therefore failed to            
          demonstrate entitlement to education credits and/or a deduction             
          for tuition and fees for the 2001 and 2002 taxable years.                   

               6 These credits are called the Hope Scholarship Credit and             
          the Lifetime Learning Credit.  Both are subject to multiple                 
          conditions and limitations that need not be discussed in this               
               7 The deduction is also subject to conditions and                      
          limitations that need not be discussed in this opinion.                     
               8  The credit card statements provided by petitioner do not            
          contain a name, and petitioner has provided no basis for linking            
          the credit card to him.  In fact, at trial, petitioner admitted             
          that the credit card belonged to his wife.                                  

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Last modified: March 27, 2008