Texas Health And Safety Code § 462.014 List Of Medications

Sec. 462.014. LIST OF MEDICATIONS. (a) On the request of a patient, a person designated by the patient, or the patient's legal guardian or managing conservator, if any, the facility administrator of a treatment facility licensed by the department under Chapter 464 shall provide to the patient, the person designated by the patient, and the patient's legal guardian or managing conservator, a list of the medications prescribed for administration to the patient while the patient is in the treatment facility. The list must include for each medication:

(1) the name of the medication;

(2) the dosage and schedule prescribed for the administration of the medication; and

(3) the name of the physician who prescribed the medication.

(b) The list must be provided before the expiration of four hours after the facility administrator receives a written request for the list from the patient, a person designated by the patient, or the patient's legal guardian or managing conservator, if any. If sufficient time to prepare the list before discharge is not available, the list may be mailed before the expiration of 24 hours after discharge to the patient, the person designated by the patient, and the patient's legal guardian or managing conservator.

(c) A patient or the patient's legal guardian or managing conservator, if any, may waive the right of any person to receive the list of medications while the patient is participating in a research project if release of the list would jeopardize the results of the project.

Added by Acts 2015, 84th Leg., R.S., Ch. 1211 (S.B. 1560), Sec. 3, eff. June 19, 2015.

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Last modified: September 28, 2016