Texas Health And Safety Code § 533.0356 Local Behavioral Health Authorities

Sec. 533.0356. LOCAL BEHAVIORAL HEALTH AUTHORITIES. (a) The department may designate a local behavioral health authority in a local service area to provide mental health and chemical dependency services in that area. The department may delegate to an authority designated under this section the authority and responsibility for planning, policy development, coordination, resource allocation, and resource development for and oversight of mental health and chemical dependency services in that service area. An authority designated under this section has:

(1) all the responsibilities and duties of a local mental health authority provided by Section 533.035 and by Subchapter B, Chapter 534; and

(2) the responsibility and duty to ensure that chemical dependency services are provided in the service area as described by the statewide service delivery plan adopted under Section 461A.056.

(c) In the planning and implementation of services, the authority shall give proportionate priority to mental health services and chemical dependency services that ensures that funds purchasing services are used in accordance with specific regulatory and statutory requirements that govern the respective funds.

(d) A local mental health authority may apply to the department for designation as a local behavioral health authority.

(e) The department, by contract or by a case-rate or capitated arrangement or another method of allocation, may disburse money, including federal money, to a local behavioral health authority for services.

(f) A local behavioral health authority, with the approval of the department as provided by contract, shall use money received under Subsection (e) to ensure that mental health and chemical dependency services are provided in the local service area at the same level as the level of services previously provided through:

(1) the local mental health authority; and

(2) the department.

(g) In determining whether to designate a local behavioral health authority for a service area and in determining the functions of the authority if designated, the department shall solicit and consider written comments from any interested person including community representatives, persons who are consumers of the proposed services of the authority, and family members of those consumers.

(h) An authority designated under this section shall demonstrate to the department that services involving state funds that the authority oversees comply with relevant state standards.

(i) The executive commissioner may adopt rules to govern the operations of local behavioral health authorities. The department may assign the local behavioral health authority the duty of providing a single point of entry for mental health and chemical dependency services.

Added by Acts 1999, 76th Leg., ch. 1187, Sec. 9, eff. Sept. 1, 1999.

Amended by:

Acts 2015, 84th Leg., R.S., Ch. 1 (S.B. 219), Sec. 3.1335, eff. April 2, 2015.

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Last modified: September 28, 2016