Sec. 534.070. USE OF PROSPECTIVE PAYMENT FUNDS. (a) Each local mental health authority that receives prospective payment funds shall submit to the department a quarterly report that clearly identifies how the provider or program used the funds during the preceding fiscal quarter.
(b) The executive commissioner by rule shall prescribe the form of the report, the specific information that must be included in the report, and the deadlines for submitting the report.
(c) The department may not provide prospective payment funds to a local mental health authority that fails to submit the quarterly reports required by this section.
(d) In this section, "prospective payment funds" means money the department prospectively provides to a local mental health authority to provide community services to certain persons with mental illness.
Added by Acts 1991, 72nd Leg., ch. 76, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1991.
Amended by:
Acts 2015, 84th Leg., R.S., Ch. 1 (S.B. 219), Sec. 3.1336, eff. April 2, 2015.
Section: Previous 534.064 534.065 534.066 534.067 534.0675 534.068 534.069 534.070 534.071 534.101 534.102 534.103 534.104 534.105 534.106 NextLast modified: September 28, 2016