Texas Insurance Code § 1901.001 Definitions

Sec. 1901.001. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:

(1) "Health care provider" means:

(A) a person, partnership, professional association, corporation, facility, or institution, or an officer, employee, or agent of the person or entity acting in the course and scope of authority, employment, or agency, as applicable, if the person or entity is licensed or chartered by this state to provide health care as:

(i) a registered nurse;

(ii) a hospital;

(iii) a dentist;

(iv) a podiatrist;

(v) a chiropractor;

(vi) an optometrist or therapeutic optometrist;

(vii) a pharmacist;

(viii) a veterinarian;

(ix) a not-for-profit kidney dialysis center;

(x) a blood bank that is a nonprofit corporation chartered to operate a blood bank and is accredited by the American Association of Blood Banks;

(xi) a for-profit or not-for-profit nursing home; or

(xii) a for-profit or not-for-profit assisted living facility; or

(B) a health care practitioner or facility that the commissioner, in accordance with Section 2203.103(b), determines is eligible for coverage under this chapter.

(2) "Hospital" means a public or private institution licensed under Chapter 241 or 577, Health and Safety Code.

(3) "Physician" means a person licensed to practice medicine in this state.

Added by Acts 2005, 79th Leg., Ch. 727 (H.B. 2017), Sec. 2, eff. April 1, 2007.

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Last modified: September 28, 2016