Texas Insurance Code § 2210.6131 Payment Of Class 3 Public Securities

Sec. 2210.6131. PAYMENT OF CLASS 3 PUBLIC SECURITIES. (a) The association shall pay Class 3 public securities issued under Section 2210.0741 from:

(1) net premium and other revenue; and

(2) if net premium and other revenue are not sufficient to pay the securities, a catastrophe area premium surcharge collected in accordance with this section.

(b) On approval by the commissioner, the association shall assess, as provided by this section, a premium surcharge to each policyholder of a policy described by Subsection (c). The premium surcharge must be set in an amount sufficient to pay, for the duration of the issued public securities, all debt service not already covered by available funds and all related expenses on the public securities.

(c) The premium surcharge under this section shall be assessed on all policyholders of association policies issued under this chapter.

(d) A premium surcharge under this section is a separate charge in addition to the premiums collected and is not subject to premium tax or commissions. Failure by a policyholder to pay the surcharge constitutes failure to pay premium for purposes of policy cancellation.

Added by Acts 2015, 84th Leg., R.S., Ch. 615 (S.B. 900), Sec. 27, eff. September 1, 2015.

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Last modified: September 28, 2016