Texas Tax Code § 312.0025 Designation Of Reinvestment Zone By School District

Sec. 312.0025. DESIGNATION OF REINVESTMENT ZONE BY SCHOOL DISTRICT. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter to the contrary, the governing body of a school district, in the manner required for official action and for purposes of Subchapter B or C, Chapter 313, may designate an area entirely within the territory of the school district as a reinvestment zone if the governing body finds that, as a result of the designation and the granting of a limitation on appraised value under Subchapter B or C, Chapter 313, for property located in the reinvestment zone, the designation is reasonably likely to:

(1) contribute to the expansion of primary employment in the reinvestment zone; or

(2) attract major investment in the reinvestment zone that would:

(A) be a benefit to property in the reinvestment zone and to the school district; and

(B) contribute to the economic development of the region of this state in which the school district is located.

(b) The governing body of the school district may seek the recommendation of the commissioners court of each county and the governing body of each municipality that has territory in the school district before designating an area as a reinvestment zone under Subsection (a).

Added by Acts 2001, 77th Leg., ch. 1505, Sec. 4, eff. Jan. 1, 2002.

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Last modified: September 28, 2016