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US Code
US Code Title 2 Chapter 41 Congressional Officers and Administration
Subchapter I - General
§ 4101 -
Authority of Officers of Congress Over Congressional Employees
§ 4102 -
Purchase of Supplies for Senate and House
§ 4103 -
Contracts to Furnish Property, Supplies, or Services to Congress; Terms Varying From Those Offered Other Entities of Federal Government
§ 4104 -
American Goods to Be Preferred in Purchases for Senate and House
§ 4105 -
Purchase of Paper, Envelopes, Etc., for Stationery Rooms of Senate and House
§ 4106 -
Stationery Rooms of House and Senate; Specification of Classes of Articles Purchasable
§ 4107 -
Withdrawal of Unexpended Balances of Appropriations
§ 4108 -
Semiannual Statements of Expenditures by Secretary of Senate and Chief Administrative Officer of House
§ 4109 -
Detailed Reports of Receipts and Expenditures by Secretary of Senate and Chief Administrative Officer of House
§ 4110 -
Monuments to Deceased Senators or House Members
Subchapter II - Attending Physician
§ 4121 -
Monies Received by Attending Physician From Sale of Prescription Drugs or Other Sources; Deposit of Receipts
§ 4122 -
Deposit of Fees for Services by Office of Attending Physician; Availability of Amounts Deposited
§ 4123 -
Authority of Attending Physician in Response to Medical Contingencies or Public Health Emergencies At Capitol
Subchapter III - Recording and Photographic Studios
§ 4131 -
House Recording Studio; Senate Recording Studio and Senate Photographic Studio
§ 4132 -
Senate Recording Studio and Senate Photographic Studio as Successors to Senate Recording and Photographic Studios; Rules, Regulations, and Fees for Photographs and Photographic Services
Last modified: October 26, 2015