A State educational agency may make a subgrant to an eligible entity from funds received by the agency under this subpart only if the entity agrees to expend the funds to improve the education of limited English proficient children, by assisting the children to learn English and meet challenging State academic content and student academic achievement standards. In carrying out activities with such funds, the entity shall use approaches and methodologies based on scientifically based research on teaching limited English proficient children and immigrant children and youth for the following purposes:
(1) Developing and implementing new language instruction educational programs and academic content instruction programs for such children, and such children and youth, including programs of early childhood education, elementary school programs, and secondary school programs.
(2) Carrying out highly focused, innovative, locally designed activities to expand or enhance existing language instruction educational programs and academic content instruction programs for such children, and such children and youth.
(3) Implementing, within an individual school, schoolwide programs for restructuring, reforming, and upgrading all relevant programs, activities, and operations relating to language instruction educational programs and academic content instruction for such children, and such children and youth.
(4) Implementing, within the entire jurisdiction of a local educational agency, agencywide programs for restructuring, reforming, and upgrading all relevant programs, activities, and operations relating to language instruction educational programs and academic content instruction for such children, and such children and youth.
Each eligible entity receiving funds under section 6824(a) of this title for a fiscal year may use not more than 2 percent of such funds for the cost of administering this subpart.
An eligible entity receiving funds under section 6824(a) of this title shall use the funds—
(1) to increase the English proficiency of limited English proficient children by providing high-quality language instruction educational programs that are based on scientifically based research demonstrating the effectiveness of the programs in increasing—
(A) English proficiency; and
(B) student academic achievement in the core academic subjects; and
(2) to provide high-quality professional development to classroom teachers (including teachers in classroom settings that are not the settings of language instruction educational programs), principals, administrators, and other school or community-based organizational personnel, that is—
(A) designed to improve the instruction and assessment of limited English proficient children;
(B) designed to enhance the ability of such teachers to understand and use curricula, assessment measures, and instruction strategies for limited English proficient children;
(C) based on scientifically based research demonstrating the effectiveness of the professional development in increasing children's English proficiency or substantially increasing the subject matter knowledge, teaching knowledge, and teaching skills of such teachers; and
(D) of sufficient intensity and duration (which shall not include activities such as one-day or short-term workshops and conferences) to have a positive and lasting impact on the teachers' performance in the classroom, except that this subparagraph shall not apply to an activity that is one component of a long-term, comprehensive professional development plan established by a teacher and the teacher's supervisor based on an assessment of the needs of the teacher, the supervisor, the students of the teacher, and any local educational agency employing the teacher.
Subject to subsection (c) of this section, an eligible entity receiving funds under section 6824(a) of this title may use the funds to achieve one of the purposes described in subsection (a) of this section by undertaking one or more of the following activities:
(1) Upgrading program objectives and effective instruction strategies.
(2) Improving the instruction program for limited English proficient children by identifying, acquiring, and upgrading curricula, instruction materials, educational software, and assessment procedures.
(3) Providing—
(A) tutorials and academic or vocational education for limited English proficient children; and
(B) intensified instruction.
(4) Developing and implementing elementary school or secondary school language instruction educational programs that are coordinated with other relevant programs and services.
(5) Improving the English proficiency and academic achievement of limited English proficient children.
(6) Providing community participation programs, family literacy services, and parent outreach and training activities to limited English proficient children and their families—
(A) to improve the English language skills of limited English proficient children; and
(B) to assist parents in helping their children to improve their academic achievement and becoming active participants in the education of their children.
(7) Improving the instruction of limited English proficient children by providing for—
(A) the acquisition or development of educational technology or instructional materials;
(B) access to, and participation in, electronic networks for materials, training, and communication; and
(C) incorporation of the resources described in subparagraphs (A) and (B) into curricula and programs, such as those funded under this subpart.
(8) Carrying out other activities that are consistent with the purposes of this section.
An eligible entity receiving funds under section 6824(d)(1) of this title shall use the funds to pay for activities that provide enhanced instructional opportunities for immigrant children and youth, which may include—
(A) family literacy, parent outreach, and training activities designed to assist parents to become active participants in the education of their children;
(B) support for personnel, including teacher aides who have been specifically trained, or are being trained, to provide services to immigrant children and youth;
(C) provision of tutorials, mentoring, and academic or career counseling for immigrant children and youth;
(D) identification and acquisition of curricular materials, educational software, and technologies to be used in the program carried out with funds;
(E) basic instruction services that are directly attributable to the presence in the school district involved of immigrant children and youth, including the payment of costs of providing additional classroom supplies, costs of transportation, or such other costs as are directly attributable to such additional basic instruction services;
(F) other instruction services that are designed to assist immigrant children and youth to achieve in elementary schools and secondary schools in the United States, such as programs of introduction to the educational system and civics education; and
(G) activities, coordinated with community-based organizations, institutions of higher education, private sector entities, or other entities with expertise in working with immigrants, to assist parents of immigrant children and youth by offering comprehensive community services.
The duration of a subgrant made by a State educational agency under section 6824(d)(1) of this title shall be determined by the agency in its discretion.
To receive a subgrant from a State educational agency under this subpart, an eligible entity shall select one or more methods or forms of instruction to be used in the programs and activities undertaken by the entity to assist limited English proficient children to attain English proficiency and meet challenging State academic content and student academic achievement standards.
Such selection shall be consistent with sections 6845 through 6847 of this title.
Federal funds made available under this subpart shall be used so as to supplement the level of Federal, State, and local public funds that, in the absence of such availability, would have been expended for programs for limited English proficient children and immigrant children and youth and in no case to supplant such Federal, State, and local public funds.
(Pub. L. 89–10, title III, §3115, as added Pub. L. 107–110, title III, §301, Jan. 8, 2002, 115 Stat. 1697.)
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Last modified: October 26, 2015