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US Code
Mineral Lands and Mining
US Code Title 30 Chapter 20 Conveyances to Occupants of Unpatented Mining Claims
US Code Title 30 Chapter 20 Conveyances to Occupants of Unpatented Mining Claims
§ 701 -
Authorization to Convey; Acreage Limitations; Qualified Applicants; Payment; &Quot;qualified Officer of the United States" Defined
§ 702 -
&Quot;qualified Applicant" Defined
§ 703 -
Withdrawal of Lands in Aid of a Governmental Unit
§ 704 -
Purchase of Substitute Lands; Limitations; Conditions; Payment; Conveyance of Less Than a Fee
§ 705 -
Purchase Price of Conveyed Interest; Installment Payments
§ 706 -
Liabilities of Occupants; Trespass; Limitations
§ 707 -
Reservation of Mineral Rights
§ 708 -
Assignments; Succession
§ 709 -
Disposition of Payments and Fees
Last modified: October 26, 2015