US Code Title 38 Chapter 36 Administration of Educational Benefits

Subchapter I - State Approving Agencies

§ 3670 - Scope of Approval
§ 3671 - Designation
§ 3672 - Approval of Courses
§ 3673 - Approval Activities: Cooperation and Coordination of Activities
§ 3674 - Reimbursement of Expenses
§ 3674A - Evaluations of Agency Performance; Qualifications and Performance of Agency Personnel
§ 3675 - Approval of Accredited Courses
§ 3676 - Approval of Nonaccredited Courses
§ 3677 - Approval of Training on the Job
§ 3678 - Notice of Approval of Courses
§ 3679 - Disapproval of Courses

Subchapter II - Miscellaneous Provisions

§ 3680 - Payment of Educational Assistance or Subsistence Allowances
§ 3680A - Disapproval of Enrollment in Certain Courses
§ 3681 - Limitations on Educational Assistance
§ 3682 - Control by Agencies of the United States
§ 3683 - Conflicting Interests
§ 3684 - Reports by Veterans, Eligible Persons, and Institutions; Reporting Fee
§ 3684A - Procedures Relating to Computer Matching Program
§ 3685 - Overpayments to Eligible Persons or Veterans
§ 3686 - Correspondence Courses
§ 3687 - Apprenticeship or Other On-job Training
§ 3688 - Measurement of Courses
§ 3689 - Approval Requirements for Licensing and Certification Testing
§ 3690 - Overcharges by Educational Institutions; Discontinuance of Allowances; Examination of Records; False or Misleading Statements
§ 3691 - Change of Program
§ 3692 - Advisory Committee
§ 3693 - Compliance Surveys
§ 3694 - Use of Other Federal Agencies
§ 3695 - Limitation on Period of Assistance Under Two or More Programs
§ 3696 - Limitation on Certain Advertising, Sales, and Enrollment Practices
§ 3697 - Funding of Contract Educational and Vocational Counseling
§ 3697A - Educational and Vocational Counseling
§ 3698 - Comprehensive Policy on Providing Education Information to Veterans

Last modified: October 26, 2015