It is declared to be the policy of the United States of America that Government ownership and management of the communities owned by the Atomic Energy Commission shall be terminated in an expeditious manner which is consistent with and will not impede the accomplishment of the purposes and programs established by the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 [42 U.S.C. 2011 et seq.]. To that end, it is desired at each community to—
(a) facilitate the establishment of local self-government;
(b) provide for the orderly transfer to local entities of municipal functions, municipal installations, and utilities; and
(c) provide for the orderly sale to private purchasers of property within those communities with a minimum of dislocation.
(Aug. 4, 1955, ch. 543, ch. 1, §11, 69 Stat. 472.)
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Last modified: October 26, 2015