43 USC 567 - Water Rights for Towns and Cities; Charges

The Secretary of the Interior shall, in accordance with the provisions of the reclamation Act, provide for water rights in amount he may deem necessary for the towns established as provided, in sections 561, 562 and 566 of this title, and may enter into contract with the proper authorities of such towns, and other towns or cities on or in the immediate vicinity of irrigation projects, which shall have a water right from the same source as that of said project for the delivery of such water supply to some convenient point, and for the payment into the reclamation fund of charges for the same to be paid by such towns or cities, which charges shall not be less nor upon terms more favorable than those fixed by the Secretary of the Interior for the irrigation project from which the water is taken.

(Apr. 16, 1906, ch. 1631, ยง4, 34 Stat. 116.)

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