§ 10.1-2121. Cooperative point source pollution program
In order to restore, protect and improve the quality of the bays, lakes, rivers, streams, creeks, and other state waters, and to achieve the pollution reduction goals, including those related to nutrient reduction, established in commitments made by the Commonwealth to water quality restoration, protection and improvement, including but not limited to the Chesapeake Bay Agreement, as amended, the Department shall assist local governments and individuals in the control of point source pollution, including nutrient reductions, through technical and financial assistance made available through grants provided from the Fund. In providing this technical and financial assistance the Department shall give initial priority to local government capital construction projects designed to achieve nutrient reduction goals, as provided in § 10.1-2131, consistent with those established in the Chesapeake Bay Agreement, as amended, and thereafter to efforts consistent with other commitments made by the Commonwealth. In pursuing implementation of this cooperative program, it is the intent of the Commonwealth to annually seek and provide funding necessary to meet its commitments under any fully executed grant agreement pursuant to the provisions of §§ 10.1-2130 and 10.1-2131.
(1997, cc. 21, 625, 626.)
Sections: Previous 10.1-2117 10.1-2118 10.1-2119 10.1-2120 10.1-2121 10.1-2122 10.1-2123 10.1-2124 10.1-2125 10.1-2126 10.1-2127 10.1-2128 10.1-2128.1 10.1-2129 10.1-2130 NextLast modified: April 16, 2009