Code of Virginia - Title 15.2 Counties, Cities And Towns - Chapter 14 Governing Bodies Of Localities
- 15.2-1400 Governing bodies
A. The qualified voters of every locality shall elect a governing body for such locality. The date, place, number, term and other details of the ...
- 15.2-1401 Powers granted localities vested in their governing bodies
Unless otherwise clearly indicated by the context in which the provisions relating thereto are set forth, all powers granted to localities shall be vested in ...
- 15.2-1402 Declared to be body politic of Commonwealth; seal
Every locality of this Commonwealth is hereby declared to be a body politic of the Commonwealth and may have a seal and alter the same ...
- 15.2-1403 Governing body to be continuing body
Every governing body of a locality shall be a continuing body, and no measure pending before such body shall abate or be discontinued by reason ...
- 15.2-1404 How localities may sue or be sued; arbitration
Every locality may sue or be sued in its own name in relation to all matters connected with its duties. The process instituting suit against ...
- 15.2-1405 Immunity of members of local governmental entities; exception
The members of the governing bodies of any locality or political subdivision and the members of boards, commissions, agencies and authorities thereof and other governing ...
- 15.2-1406 Compensation of governing bodies
The compensation of governing bodies and their chairmen, vice-chairmen, mayors and vice-mayors shall be determined as provided in Article 1.1 (§ 15.2-1414.1 et seq.) of ...
- 15.2-1407 Administrative leave for certain members of governing bodies
Any duly elected member of a governing body who is an employee of that locality may receive administrative leave each year in addition to his ...
- 15.2-1408 Restrictions on activities of former officers and employees by certain counties and citie...
In the Counties of Bedford, Fauquier, James City, Pittsylvania and Stafford, and the Cities of Charlottesville and Virginia Beach, the governing body, by ordinance, may ...
- 15.2-1409 Investigations by governing bodies
The governing body of any locality may make such investigations relating to its government affairs as it deems necessary, may employ financial, legal and other ...
- 15.2-1410 Chairman and mayor may administer oaths
Every chairman and mayor shall have power to administer an oath to any person concerning any matter submitted to the board or council or connected ...
- 15.2-1411 Appointment of advisory boards, committees and commissions; compensation and reimbursement of expen...
The governing body of any locality may appoint such advisory boards, committees, and commissions as it deems necessary to advise the governing body with regard ...
- 15.2-1412 Reproductions of records and documents and legal status thereof; destruction of originals
Any locality may provide for the photographing or microphotographing, or the recording by any other process which accurately reproduces or forms a durable medium for ...
- 15.2-1413 Governing bodies of localities may provide for continuity of government in case of enemy attack, et...
Notwithstanding any contrary provision of law, general or special, any locality may, by ordinance, provide a method to assure continuity in its government, in the ...
- 15.2-1414 Governing bodies may have a legal enumeration of the population
Any locality wishing to have a legal enumeration of the population of the locality, or part thereof, may make application therefor to the circuit court ...
- 15.2-1414.1 Each member to be paid annual salary
Each member of the board of supervisors of each county shall be allowed and paid out of the county levy an annual salary, to be ...
- 15.2-1414.2 Salaries to be fixed by board; limits; reimbursement in addition to salary
The annual compensation to be allowed each member of the board of supervisors of a county shall be determined by the board of supervisors of ...
- 15.2-1414.3 Alternative procedure for establishing salaries of boards of supervisors; limits; fringe benefit...
In lieu of other provisions of law, the boards of supervisors of the several counties may establish annually, by ordinance, and pay in monthly installments ...
- 15.2-1414.4 Description unavailable
Repealed by Acts 2006, c. 126, cl. 2. ...
- 15.2-1414.5 Each councilman to be paid annual salary; effect of charter
Each member of the council of each city shall be allowed and paid out of the city levy an annual salary in equal monthly installments, ...
- 15.2-1414.6 Permitted salaries; salary increases; reimbursement for expenses
Subject to the exception provided for in § 15.2-1414.5, the annual salary of each member of the council of any city shall be set by ...
- 15.2-1414.7 Salaries of town council members and mayors
Notwithstanding any provision of a charter of a town or any other law, a town council may establish the compensation to be paid to council ...
- 15.2-1415 At what meetings governing body may act
Unless otherwise specially provided, a governing body may exercise any of the powers conferred upon it at any meeting of the governing body, regular, special ...
- 15.2-1416 Regular meetings
The governing body shall assemble at a public place as the governing body may prescribe, in regular session in January for counties and in July ...
- 15.2-1416.1 Actions prior to convening of meeting
During the time prior to the governing body's actual call to order or convening of business, any expressions by members of the governing body or ...
- 15.2-1417 Special meetings
The governing body may also hold such special meetings, as it deems necessary, at such times and places as it finds convenient. It may adjourn ...
- 15.2-1418 Same; how called
A special meeting of the governing body shall be held when called by the chairman or mayor or requested by two or more of the ...
- 15.2-1419 Meeting times of certain authorities, boards and commissions
Notwithstanding any contrary provision of law, general or special, the governing body of any locality may establish the regular meeting times (day and hour) of ...
- 15.2-1420 How questions determined; tie breaker
All questions submitted to the governing body for decision shall be determined by a majority of the members voting on any such question unless another ...
- 15.2-1421 Tie breakers
The governing body of each county may designate a tie breaker, whose duty it shall be to cast the deciding vote in case of tie, ...
- 15.2-1422 Electing a chairman and vice-chairman; mayor and vice-mayor
Unless the chairman or mayor is elected by popular vote, every governing body, at its first meeting after taking office, shall elect one of its ...
- 15.2-1423 Powers of chairman or mayor
In addition to being presiding officer, the chairman or mayor, as the case may be, shall be the head of the local government for all ...
- 15.2-1424 Vacancies in office
Vacancies in the office of board of supervisors or of council or an elected chairman or mayor, for whatever reason, shall be filled as provided ...
- 15.2-1425 Actions by localities
The governing body of every locality in the performance of its duties, obligations and functions may adopt, as appropriate, ordinances, resolutions and motions. (1997, c. ...
- 15.2-1426 Form of ordinances
The object of every ordinance, except an ordinance approving a budget, an annual appropriation ordinance or an ordinance which codifies ordinances, shall be clearly expressed ...
- 15.2-1427 Adoption of ordinances and resolutions generally; amending or repealing ordinances
A. Unless otherwise specifically provided for by the Constitution or by other general or special law, an ordinance may be adopted by majority vote of ...
- 15.2-1428 Procedures for certain acts
No ordinance or resolution appropriating money exceeding the sum of $500, imposing taxes, or authorizing the borrowing of money shall be passed except by a ...
- 15.2-1429 Penalties for violation of ordinances
Any locality may prescribe fines and other punishments for violations of ordinances, which shall be enforced by proceedings as if such violations were misdemeanors. However, ...
- 15.2-1430 Bonds of persons convicted
Upon conviction for the violation of any ordinance, the court trying the case may require bond of the person so convicted with proper security in ...
- 15.2-1431 Appeals; nonpayment of fine
An appeal from any fine or imprisonment shall be as in misdemeanor cases. Whenever any fine is imposed but not paid, the court trying the ...
- 15.2-1432 Injunctive relief against continuing violation of ordinance
A court of competent jurisdiction, in addition to the penalty imposed for the violation of any ordinance, may enjoin the continuing violation thereof by proceedings ...
- 15.2-1433 Codification and recodification of ordinances
Any locality may codify or recodify any or all of its ordinances, in permanently bound or loose-leaf form. Such ordinances may be changed, altered or ...
Last modified: April 2, 2009