Code of Virginia - Title 22.1 Education - Chapter 8 Public School Funds
- 22.1-88 Of what school funds to consist
The funds available to the school board of a school division for the establishment, support and maintenance of the public schools in the school division ...
- 22.1-89 Management of funds
Each school board shall manage and control the funds made available to the school board for public schools and may incur costs and expenses. If ...
- 22.1-89.1 Management of cafeteria funds
Notwithstanding any other provision of law including, but not limited to this article, §§ 15.2-2503 and 15.2-2506, a school board may, in its discretion, establish ...
- 22.1-89.2 Financial records retention and disposition schedule
School boards shall retain and dispose of financial records in accordance with the regulations concerning financial records retention and disposition promulgated pursuant to the Virginia ...
- 22.1-89.3 Funds from telephone service or credit cards
Any school board may enter into a contract with a commercial institution for the issuance of a telephone service or credit card that would bear ...
- 22.1-89.4 Certain policy required; partnerships and sponsorships
Each school board shall develop and implement, and may, from time to time, revise, a policy relating to commercial, promotional, and corporate partnerships and sponsorships ...
- 22.1-90 Annual report of expenditures
Every school board shall submit at least once each year to the governing body or bodies appropriating funds to the school board a report of ...
- 22.1-91 Limitation on expenditures; penalty
No school board shall expend or contract to expend, in any fiscal year, any sum of money in excess of the funds available for school ...
- 22.1-92 Estimate of moneys needed for public schools; notice of costs to be distributed
A. It shall be the duty of each division superintendent to prepare, with the approval of the school board, and submit to the governing body ...
- 22.1-93 (Effective until January 1, 2009) Approval of annual budget for school purposes
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, including but not limited to Chapter 25 (§ 15.2-2500 et seq.) of Title 15.2, the governing body of a ...
- 22.1-94 Appropriations by county, city or town governing body for public schools
A governing body may make appropriations to a school board from the funds derived from local levies and from any other funds available, for operation, ...
- 22.1-95 Duty to levy school tax
Each county, city and town is authorized, directed and required to raise money by a tax on all property subject to local taxation at such ...
- 22.1-96 Proration of operating cost, expenditures for capital outlay purposes and indebtedness for construc...
In a school division composed of part or all of more than one county or city, the operating cost as well as the expenditures for ...
- 22.1-97 Calculation and reporting of required local expenditures; procedure if locality fails to appropriat...
A. The Department of Education shall collect annually the data necessary to make calculations and reports required by this subsection. At the beginning of each ...
- 22.1-98 Reduction of state aid when length of school term below 180 days or 990 hours
A. For the purposes of this section: 1. "Declared state of emergency" means the declaration of an emergency before or after an event, by the ...
- 22.1-98.1 Extended School Year Incentive Program
From such funds as may be appropriated for such purpose and from such gifts, donations, grants, bequests, and other funds as may be received on ...
- 22.1-98.2 Certain agreements; adjustment of state share for basic aid
A. Any school board of a school division in which fewer than 1,100 students were included in average daily membership for the preceding school year, ...
- 22.1-99 Approval and certification of apportionment of school funds
Subject to approval or amendment by the Board of Education, the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall apportion the state funds appropriated for public school purposes ...
- 22.1-100 Unexpended school and educational funds
All sums of money derived from the Commonwealth which are unexpended in any year in any school division shall revert to the fund of the ...
- 22.1-100.1 Lottery proceeds nonrecurring costs escrow accounts
A. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 22.1-100, the governing body of any locality may authorize the local treasurer or fiscal officer, by ordinance or resolution, ...
- 22.1-101 Description unavailable
Repealed by Acts 1988, c. 101. ...
- 22.1-101.1 Increase of funds for certain nonresident students; how increase computed and paid; billing of out-...
A. To the extent such funds are appropriated by the General Assembly, a school division shall be reimbursed for the cost of educating a child ...
- 22.1-102 Special tax for capital expenditures or payment of indebtedness or rent
For capital expenditures and for the payment of indebtedness or rent, a governing body may, in addition to the levy and appropriation required under the ...
- 22.1-103 Uniform county levy in lieu of district levies; request by school board; petition for referendu...
In any county in which the governing body imposes district levies for school purposes, the school board may, by resolution, request the governing body to ...
- 22.1-104 Same; order for referendum; notice
Upon receiving such petition, the court shall enter an order setting a date for the referendum in accordance with §§ 24.2-682 and 24.2-684. A certified ...
- 22.1-105 Same; conduct of referendum; certification of results
On the day named in the order the election officials of the county shall open a poll and take the sense of the voters upon ...
- 22.1-106 Same; levy in accordance with results of referendum
If a majority of those voting in the referendum vote against a uniform county school levy the governing body may levy such taxes as it ...
- 22.1-107 Glebe lands and church property; revenue and income therefrom
All glebe lands and church property, or the proceeds thereof, which may be appropriated under § 57-3 for education shall be vested in the school ...
- 22.1-108 Money derived from forest reserve
All federal funds paid to the Commonwealth arising from the forest reserve shall be paid to the State Treasurer to be distributed and disposed of ...
- 22.1-109 Federal funds apportioned to school divisions containing lands leased for flood control purpose...
All funds paid to the State Treasurer by the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States under the provisions of Section 5 of Public ...
- 22.1-110 Temporary loans to school boards
No school board shall borrow any money in any manner for any purpose without express authority of law. Any loan negotiated in violation of this ...
- 22.1-111 Trust funds
In cases where funds or other property are held by trustees for purposes of public school education, a school board shall have the power and ...
- 22.1-112 Deposit and disbursement of donations
Any donations made to the Board of Education or to any member thereof for the benefit of any public school or schools in the Commonwealth ...
- 22.1-113 Town school division's share of county school funds
A. Funds to be paid by county treasurer to town treasurer. - For the benefit of each school division composed of a town, the treasurer ...
- 22.1-114 Town school division's share of general county funds
For the benefit of each school division composed of a town, the governing body of the county in which such town is located shall require ...
- 22.1-115 System of accounting; statements of funds available; classification of expenditures
The State Board, in conjunction with the Auditor of Public Accounts, shall establish and require of each school division a modern system of accounting for ...
- 22.1-116 How and by whom funds for school division kept and disbursed
The treasurer or comparable officer of each county, city or part thereof constituting a school division or town, if the town constitutes the school division, ...
- 22.1-116.1 Receipt of payment by credit cards; service charge
School boards may accept payment for services and goods by credit or debit cards. School boards accepting credit or debit card payments may, in addition ...
- 22.1-117 Fiscal agents of certain school divisions
The fiscal agent for the school board of a school division composed of part or all of more than one county or city shall be ...
- 22.1-118 Management of funds for joint school; county or city treasurer as fiscal agent
The treasurer of a county or city in which a joint school is located shall be the fiscal agent of such school and shall receive ...
- 22.1-119 No commission for treasurer
No treasurer shall receive any commission upon any money loaned from the Literary Fund, upon donations by individuals or foundations, upon funds from insurance on ...
- 22.1-120 Settlement by treasurer
Treasurers or other fiscal agents shall settle with school boards for the school funds as of June thirtieth of each year not later than August ...
- 22.1-121 Proceedings against officers, etc., to compel settlement of accounts
The school board shall have the power and duty, in the event of any delinquency or any irregularity in the acts of any treasurer, officer, ...
- 22.1-122 Approval and payment of claims; warrants; prohibited acts
A. Except as provided in § 22.1-122.1, a school board shall examine all claims against it and, when approved, shall order or authorize the payment ...
- 22.1-122.1 Accounts to purchase certain materials and supplies
A school board, by resolution and subject to the approval of the governing body, may establish accounts in each of its departments and schools committed ...
- 22.1-123 Petty cash funds; payment of claims from petty cash
Any school board may by resolution establish one or more petty cash funds, not exceeding $2,000 each, for the payment of claims arising from commitments ...
- 22.1-124 Officers may not purchase warrants for less than face value
It shall be unlawful for any county, municipal or state officer to acquire by purchase, directly or indirectly, at less than its face value any ...
Last modified: April 3, 2009