Code of Virginia - Title 32.1 Health - Section 32.1-173 Additional or amended permits

§ 32.1-173. Additional or amended permits

A. Any owner intending to make changes, alterations or improvements to a waterworks for which a permit has been granted shall apply to the Commissioner for an additional or amended permit in a manner prescribed by regulations of the Board. The Commissioner shall review and act upon the application in the manner set forth in § 32.1-172.

B. The Commissioner may, on his own motion, amend any permit whenever he determines that:

1. The existing permit is no longer valid;

2. Changes, alterations, or improvements to the waterworks are necessary to provide an adequate supply of pure water; or

3. A change has occurred in the manner of storage or treatment or the source of the water supply.

(Code 1950, § 62.1-55; 1964, c. 475; 1968, c. 659; 1977, c. 7; 1979, c. 711.)

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Last modified: April 16, 2009