Code of Virginia - Title 38.2 Insurance - Section 38.2-3515 Required coverage on connecting or returning planes

§ 38.2-3515. Required coverage on connecting or returning planes

In each airtrip accident policy, issued in this Commonwealth through a mechanical vending machine or otherwise, the coverage of the policy, according to its terms and provisions, shall extend to an accident on a connecting or returning plane on which the insured's initial airtrip ticket entitles him to ride, if it is shown that the insured would be entitled to recover under the policy had the accident occurred while the insured was riding on the initial plane designated on the ticket.

(1952, c. 317, § 38.1-349; 1958, c. 452; 1966, c. 101; 1986, c. 562.)

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Last modified: April 3, 2009