Code of Virginia - Title 45.1 Mines And Mining - Section 45.1-161.292 Surface coal mining; distance from wells; requirements

§ 45.1-161.292. Surface coal mining; distance from wells; requirements

A. Any mine operator who plans to remove coal or extend any workings in any mine closer than 500 feet to any gas or oil well already drilled or in the process of being drilled shall file with the Chief a notice that mining is taking place or will take place, together with a copy of parts of the maps and plans required under § 45.1-161.64 which show the mine workings and projected mine workings beneath the tract in question and within 500 feet of the well. Such mine operator shall simultaneously mail copies of such notice, maps and plans by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the well operator and the Gas and Oil Inspector. Each notice shall certify that the mine operator has complied with the provisions of this subsection.

B. Subsequent to the filing of the notice required by subsection A of this section, the mine operator may proceed with mining operations in accordance with the maps and plans; however, without the prior approval of the Chief, he shall not remove any coal or extend any workings in any mine closer than 200 feet to any gas or oil well already drilled or in the process of being drilled. The Chief shall promulgate regulations which prescribe the procedure to be followed by mine operators in petitioning the Chief for approval to conduct such activities closer than 200 feet to a well. A petition may include a request to mine through a plugged well or plugged vertical ventilation hole. A petition may also include a request to mine through a well or vertical ventilation hole and lower the head of such well or vertical ventilation hole. Each mine operator who files a petition to remove coal or extend any workings closer than 200 feet to any gas or oil well shall mail copies of the petition, maps and plans by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the well operator and the Gas and Oil Inspector no later than the day of filing. The Gas and Oil Inspector and the well operator shall have standing to object to any petition filed under this section. Such objections shall be filed within ten days following the date such petition is filed.

(1990, c. 92, § 45.1-92.1; 1994, c. 28.)

Sections:  Previous  45.1-161.278  45.1-161.279  45.1-161.280  45.1-161.281  45.1-161.282  45.1-161.283  45.1-161.284  45.1-161.285  45.1-161.286  45.1-161.287  45.1-161.288  45.1-161.289  45.1-161.290  45.1-161.291  45.1-161.292

Last modified: April 16, 2009