Code of Virginia - Title 63.2 Welfare (Social Services) - Chapter 3 Local Social Services
- 63.2-300 Local boards established by local governments
There shall be a local board in each county and city of the Commonwealth. However, any combination of counties and cities may establish one local ...
- 63.2-301 Local board appointments and terms of office
The members of each local board first appointed shall be appointed initially for terms of from one to four years so as to provide for ...
- 63.2-302 How local board for a single county is constituted
The local board serving a single county shall be, at the discretion of the governing body of the county, either a local government official or ...
- 63.2-303 Local boards in counties having special forms of county government
Where the statutes dealing with special forms of county government provide for the appointment of local boards, the provisions of such statutes shall control. (Code ...
- 63.2-304 How local board of a city is constituted
The local board serving a single city shall be, at the discretion of the city council, either a local government official or a local board ...
- 63.2-305 Advisory boards
A. If the governing body of a city or county or the governing bodies of any combination of cities and counties participating in a district ...
- 63.2-306 Local boards established by two or more political subdivisions
The provisions of §§ 63.2-302 and 63.2-304 notwithstanding, the Board, with the prior consent of the Governor, may establish districts consisting of two or more ...
- 63.2-307 Local boards serving certain districts
Notwithstanding the provisions of § 63.2-306: 1. The local board for the York County and City of Poquoson district may be, at the discretion of ...
- 63.2-308 Suspension or removal of members
Members of any local board may be suspended or removed for cause by the Board or by the local governing body authorized to appoint the ...
- 63.2-309 Quorum
A majority of the members of any local board shall constitute a quorum. (Code 1950, § 63-58; 1952, c. 409; 1956, c. 126; 1968, c. ...
- 63.2-310 Compensation and expenses
Each member of the local board of a county or a city or of a district shall be paid his reasonable and necessary expenses incurred ...
- 63.2-311 Fiscal officer for district board; compensation of such officer
Whenever two or more political subdivisions establish a district pursuant to § 63.2-306 there shall be appointed a district fiscal officer for such district board. ...
- 63.2-312 Meetings; organization; chairman and vice-chairman; secretary
The governing body or bodies shall immediately notify the members of the local board of their appointment, and such members shall, within fifteen days after ...
- 63.2-313 Administration of law
The local boards shall, subject to the regulations of the Board, administer the applicable provisions of this title in their respective counties and cities. (Code ...
- 63.2-314 Funds received from public or private sources; authority of local governing bodies to make grants; ...
A. The local boards are authorized to receive and disburse funds derived from public grants or private sources in the form of gifts, contributions, bequests ...
- 63.2-315 Furnishing reports
The local boards shall furnish to the Commissioner and the governing body of its county or city such reports relating to the administration of this ...
- 63.2-316 Submission of budget to governing bodies
The local boards shall submit annually to the boards of supervisors or city councils of their respective counties and cities a budget, containing an estimate ...
- 63.2-317 Employment of counsel for local boards and employees; payment of expenses
Except in those cases in which the attorney for the Commonwealth or county or city attorney represents the local board, a local board may employ ...
- 63.2-318 Payment of legal fees and expenses for certain local department employees
If any employee of a local department is arrested, indicted or otherwise prosecuted on any criminal charge arising out of an act committed in the ...
- 63.2-319 Child welfare and other services
Each local board shall provide, either directly or through the purchase of services subject to the supervision of the Commissioner and in accordance with regulations ...
- 63.2-320 Accepting and expending certain funds on behalf of children placed by or entrusted to local board w...
A local board is authorized and empowered to accept and expend on behalf of and for the benefit of any child placed by it where ...
- 63.2-321 Interest in and cooperation for public assistance and social services; directing local directo...
It shall be the duty of each local board to interest itself in all matters pertaining to the public assistance and social services needed by ...
- 63.2-322 Conducting hearings, issuing subpoenas, etc
Local boards in the exercise and performance of their functions, duties and powers under the provisions of this title are authorized to hold and conduct ...
- 63.2-323 Emergency payments
In emergency situations or in the event of delay or error in a state issuance of payments for public assistance and social services to eligible ...
- 63.2-324 Local departments of social services
There shall be a local department of social services for each county or city under the supervision and management of a local director. However, two ...
- 63.2-325 Appointment of local directors of social services and local employees
Subject to the personnel standards and regulations of the Board, the local director shall be appointed by the local board, or, where the city charter ...
- 63.2-326 Service at pleasure of local board or local director
The local director and other employees shall serve at the pleasure of the local board, or other appointing authority, subject to the provisions of the ...
- 63.2-327 Removal by Commissioner
Any local director and any such employee who does not meet the personnel standards established by the Board may be removed by the Commissioner. (Code ...
- 63.2-328 Bond
Before entering upon the discharge of his duties, every local director shall enter bond with surety to be approved by the court or judge, in ...
- 63.2-329 Bond of certain employees of local boards
Every employee duly authorized to certify payments to be made or authorized to draw warrants on the treasurer or other fiscal officer shall, before entering ...
- 63.2-330 Compensation
The local director and other persons employed to administer the provisions of this title in each county or city shall be paid such compensation by ...
- 63.2-331 Counties with special forms of government
In any county having a special form of government under which the governing body of the county would be the appointing authority of the local ...
- 63.2-332 Powers and duties of local directors
The local director shall be the administrator of the local department and shall serve as secretary to the local board. Under the supervision of the ...
- 63.2-333 Agent of Commissioner
The local director shall act as agent for the Commissioner in implementing the provisions of federal and state law and regulation. (Code 1950, § 63-91; ...
- 63.2-334 Cooperation with private agencies
The local director shall foster cooperation between all public and private charitable and social agencies in the county or city to the end that public ...
- 63.2-335 Keeping records
The records of the cases handled and business transacted by the local department shall be kept in such manner and form as may be prescribed ...
- 63.2-336 Annual report
At the request of the local governing body, the local director shall each year prepare and keep on file a full report of the local ...
Last modified: April 3, 2009