Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 66 Alcoholic Beverage Control - Section 66.40.110 Form of ballot

§ 66.40.110. Form of ballot

Upon the ballot to be used at such general election the question shall be submitted in the following form:

"Shall the sale of liquor be permitted within . . . . . . (here specify the unit in which election is to be held)." Immediately below said question shall be placed the alternative answers, as follows:

"For sale of liquor . . . . . . . . . . . . ( )
Against sale of liquor . . . . . . . . . . . . ( )."

Each person desiring to vote in favor of permitting the sale of liquor within the unit in which the election is to be held shall designate his choice beside the words "For sale of liquor", and those desiring to vote against the permitting of the sale of liquor within such unit shall designate their choice beside the words "Against sale of liquor", and the ballot shall be counted accordingly.

[1933 ex.s. c 62 § 86; RRS § 7306-86.]

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Last modified: April 7, 2009