§ 16.24.010. Restricted areas -- Range areas
The county legislative authority of any county of this state shall have the power to designate by an order made and published, as provided in RCW 16.24.030, certain territory as stock restricted area within such county in which it shall be unlawful to permit livestock of any kind to run at large. No territory so designated shall be less than two square miles in area. RCW 16.24.010 through 16.24.065 shall not affect counties having adopted township organization. All territory not so designated shall be range area, in which it shall be lawful to permit cattle, horses, mules, or donkeys to run at large: PROVIDED, That the county legislative authority may designate areas where it shall be unlawful to permit any livestock other than cattle to run at large.
[1989 c 286 § 4; 1937 c 40 § 1; 1911 c 25 § 1; RRS § 3068. Prior: 1907 c 230 § 1; 1905 c 91 § 1; R & B § 3166.]
Severability -- 1989 c 286: See note following RCW 16.04.010.
Sections: 16.24.010 16.24.020 16.24.030 16.24.040 16.24.050 16.24.060 16.24.065 16.24.070 16.24.090 16.24.100 16.24.110 16.24.120 16.24.130 16.24.140 16.24.150 Next
Last modified: April 7, 2009