Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 30 Banks And Trust Companies - Section 30.12.020 Meetings, where held -- Corporate records

§ 30.12.020. Meetings, where held -- Corporate records

All meetings of the stockholders of any bank or trust company, except organization meetings and meetings held with the consent of all stockholders, must be held in the county in which the head office or any branch of the corporation is located. Meetings of the directors of any bank or trust company may be held either within or without this state. Every such corporation shall keep records in which shall be recorded the names and residences of the stockholders thereof, the number of shares held by each, and also the transfers of stock, showing the time when made, the number of shares and by whom transferred. In all actions, suits and proceedings, said records shall be prima facie proof of the facts shown therein. All of the corporate books, including the certificate book, stockholders' ledger and minute book or a copy thereof shall be kept at the corporation's principal place of business. Any books, record, and minutes may be in written form or any other form capable of being converted to written form within a reasonable time.

[1994 c 256 § 55; 1986 c 279 § 31; 1969 c 136 § 9; 1955 c 33 § 30.12.020. Prior: 1927 c 179 § 1; 1917 c 80 § 31; RRS § 3238.]

     Findings -- Construction -- 1994 c 256: See RCW 43.320.007.

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Last modified: April 7, 2009