§ 19.112.020. Administration of chapter -- Standards -- Testing laboratory
(1) This chapter shall be administered by the director or his or her authorized agent. For the purpose of administering this chapter, for motor fuel except biodiesel fuel, the standards set forth in the Annual Book of ASTM Standards and supplements thereto, and revisions thereof, are adopted, together with applicable federal environmental protection agency standards. If a conflict exists between federal environmental protection agency standards, ASTM standards, or state standards, for purposes of uniformity, federal environmental protection agency standards shall take precedence over ASTM standards. Any state standards adopted must be consistent with federal environmental protection agency standards and ASTM standards not in conflict with federal environmental protection agency standards.
(2) The director may establish a fuel testing laboratory or may contract with a laboratory for testing. The director may also adopt rules on false and misleading advertising, labeling and posting of prices, and the standards for, and identity of, motor fuels. The director shall require fuel pumps offering biodiesel and ethanol blends to be identified by a label stating the percentage of biodiesel or ethanol.
(3) The rules adopted under RCW 19.112.140 shall also provide that the diesel refiner is responsible for meeting the ASTM standards required by chapter 338, Laws of 2006 when providing diesel fuel into the distribution system.
[2006 c 338 § 8; 1990 c 102 § 3.]
Findings -- Intent -- 2006 c 338: See note following RCW 19.112.110.
Sections: Previous 19.112.005 19.112.010 19.112.020 19.112.030 19.112.040 19.112.050 19.112.060 19.112.070 19.112.080 19.112.090 19.112.100 19.112.110 19.112.120 19.112.130 19.112.140 Next
Last modified: April 7, 2009