§ 18.32.0363. Examinations -- Contracts for administration -- Multistate
The commission may contract with competent persons on a temporary basis to assist in developing or administering examinations for licensure.
The commission may enter into compacts and agreements with other states and with organizations formed by several states, for the purpose of conducting multistate licensing examinations. The commission may enter into the compacts and agreements even though they would result in the examination of a candidate for a license in this state by an examiner or examiners from another state or states, and even though the compacts and agreements would result in the examination of a candidate or candidates for a license in another state or states by an examiner or examiners from this state.
[1994 sp.s. c 9 § 209.]
Sections: Previous 18.32.030 18.32.0351 18.32.0353 18.32.0355 18.32.0357 18.32.0358 18.32.0361 18.32.0363 18.32.0365 18.32.039 18.32.040 18.32.050 18.32.091 18.32.100 18.32.110 NextLast modified: April 7, 2009