Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 18 Businesses And Professions - Section 18.64.205 Retired active license status

§ 18.64.205. Retired active license status

The board may adopt rules pursuant to this section authorizing a retired active license status. An individual licensed pursuant to this chapter, who is practicing only in emergent or intermittent circumstances as defined by rule established by the board, may hold a retired active license at a reduced renewal fee established by the secretary under RCW 43.70.250 and 43.70.280. Such a license shall meet the continuing education requirements, if any, established by the board for renewals, and is subject to the provisions of the uniform disciplinary act, chapter 18.130 RCW. Individuals who have entered into retired status agreements with the disciplinary authority in any jurisdiction shall not qualify for a retired active license under this section.

[1996 c 191 § 48; 1991 c 229 § 2.]

Sections:  Previous  18.64.050  18.64.080  18.64.140  18.64.160  18.64.163  18.64.165  18.64.200  18.64.205  18.64.245  18.64.246  18.64.250  18.64.255  18.64.257  18.64.270  18.64.275  Next

Last modified: April 7, 2009