§ 18.79.360. Applications for registration as a nursing technician -- Fee
(1) Applications for registration must be submitted on forms provided by the secretary. The secretary may require any information and documentation that reasonably relates to the need to determine whether the applicant meets the criteria for registration provided for in chapter 18.130 RCW. Each applicant shall pay a fee determined by the secretary under RCW 43.70.250. The fee must accompany the application.
(2) An applicant for registration as a nursing technician shall submit:
(a) A signed statement from the applicant's nursing program verifying enrollment in, or graduation from, the nursing program; and
(b) A signed statement from the applicant's employer certifying that the employer understands the role of the nursing technician and agrees to meet the requirements of subsection (4) of this section.
(3) The secretary shall issue a registration to an applicant who has met the requirements for registration or deny a registration to an applicant who does not meet the requirements, except that proceedings concerning the denial of registration based on unprofessional conduct or impairment are governed by the uniform disciplinary act, chapter 18.130 RCW.
(4) The employer:
(a) Shall not require the nursing technician to work beyond his or her education and training;
(b) Shall verify that the nursing technician continues to qualify as a nursing technician as described in RCW 18.79.340;
(c) Shall advise the department and nursing program of any practice-related action taken against the nursing technician;
(d) Shall maintain documentation of the specific nursing functions the nursing technician is authorized to perform; and
(e) Shall provide training regarding the provisions of chapter 258, Laws of 2003, including procedures for filing a complaint with the department of health or the department of social and health services concerning violations of chapter 258, Laws of 2003, to all nursing technicians and registered nurses who shall supervise nursing technicians and document the training and make it available for any inspection or survey.
[2003 c 258 § 4.]
Severability -- Effective date -- 2003 c 258: See notes following RCW 18.79.330.
Sections: Previous 18.79.270 18.79.280 18.79.290 18.79.300 18.79.310 18.79.330 18.79.340 18.79.350 18.79.360 18.79.370 18.79.380 18.79.390 18.79.900 18.79.901 18.79.902 Next
Last modified: April 7, 2009