§ 18.88A.050. Powers of secretary
In addition to any other authority provided by law, the secretary has the authority to:
(1) Set all certification, registration, and renewal fees in accordance with RCW 43.70.250 and to collect and deposit all such fees in the health professions account established under RCW 43.70.320;
(2) Establish forms, procedures, and examinations necessary to administer this chapter;
(3) Hire clerical, administrative, and investigative staff as needed to implement this chapter;
(4) Issue a registration to any applicant who has met the requirements for registration;
(5) After January 1, 1990, issue a certificate to any applicant who has met the education, training, and conduct requirements for certification;
(6) Maintain the official record for the department of all applicants and persons with registrations and certificates;
(7) Exercise disciplinary authority as authorized in chapter 18.130 RCW;
(8) Deny registration to any applicant who fails to meet requirement for registration;
(9) Deny certification to applicants who do not meet the education, training, competency evaluation, and conduct requirements for certification.
[1991 c 16 § 6; (1991 c 3 § 222 repealed by 1991 sp.s. c 11 § 2); 1989 c 300 § 7; 1988 c 267 § 6. Formerly RCW 18.52B.060.]
Sections: Previous 18.88A.010 18.88A.020 18.88A.030 18.88A.040 18.88A.050 18.88A.060 18.88A.080 18.88A.085 18.88A.090 18.88A.100 18.88A.110 18.88A.115 18.88A.120 18.88A.130 18.88A.140 NextLast modified: April 7, 2009