Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 35 Cities And Towns - Section 35.22.660 Child care facilities -- Review of need and demand -- Adoption of ordinances

§ 35.22.660. Child care facilities -- Review of need and demand -- Adoption of ordinances

If a first-class city zones pursuant to its inherent charter authority and not pursuant to chapter 35.63 RCW, and does not provide for the siting of family day care homes in zones or areas that are designated for single family or other residential uses, and for the siting of mini-day care centers and day care centers in zones or areas that are designated for any residential or commercial uses, the city shall conduct a review of the need and demand for child care facilities, including the cost of any conditional or special use permit that may be required. The review shall be completed by August 30, 1990. A copy of the findings, conclusions, and recommendations resulting from the review shall be sent to the *department of community development by September 30, 1990.

On or before June 30, 1991, each municipality that plans and zones under this chapter shall have adopted an ordinance or ordinances that are necessary to implement the findings of this review, if the findings indicate that such changes are necessary, or shall notify the *department of community development as to why such implementing ordinances were not adopted.

[1989 c 335 § 7.]

     *Reviser's note: Powers, duties, and functions of the department of community development and the department of trade and economic development were transferred to the department of community, trade, and economic development by 1993 c 280, effective July 1, 1994.

     Findings -- Purpose -- Severability -- 1989 c 335: See notes following RCW 35.63.170.

     Definitions for RCW 35.22.660: See RCW 35.63.170.

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Last modified: April 7, 2009