Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 35 Cities And Towns - Section 35.23.221 Ordinances -- Publication -- Summary -- Public notice of hearings and meeting agendas

§ 35.23.221. Ordinances -- Publication -- Summary -- Public notice of hearings and meeting agendas

Promptly after adoption, the text of each ordinance or a summary of the content of each ordinance shall be published at least once in the city's official newspaper.

For purposes of this section, a summary shall mean a brief description which succinctly describes the main points of the ordinance. Publication of the title of an ordinance authorizing the issuance of bonds, notes, or other evidences of indebtedness shall constitute publication of a summary of that ordinance. When the city publishes a summary, the publication shall include a statement that the full text of the ordinance will be mailed upon request.

An inadvertent mistake or omission in publishing the text or a summary of the content of an ordinance shall not render the ordinance invalid.

In addition to the requirement that a city publish the text or a summary of the content of each adopted ordinance, every city shall establish a procedure for notifying the public of upcoming hearings and the preliminary agenda for the forthcoming council meeting. Such procedure may include, but not be limited to, written notification to the city's official newspaper, publication of a notice in the official newspaper, posting of upcoming council meeting agendas, or such other processes as the city determines will satisfy the intent of this requirement.

[1994 c 273 § 10; 1988 c 168 § 4; 1987 c 400 § 1; 1985 c 469 § 25; 1965 c 7 § 35.24.220. Prior: (i) 1915 c 184 § 18, part; 1890 p 186 § 118; RRS § 9132, part. (ii) 1915 c 184 § 12, part; 1893 c 70 § 4; 1890 p 182 § 116; RRS § 9125, part. Formerly RCW 35.24.220.]

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Last modified: April 7, 2009